Stachu Korick
Host of WTF#
Stachu Korick has hosted nine Episodes.
WTF# is Mathematical Planning?
March 4th, 2021 | 1 hr 3 mins
f#, fsharp, math, mathematical planning, optimization, planning
In this conversation, we cover Matthew's background in software, his passion for mathematical planning, what mathematical planning is, how to use it within F#, and how to get started.
WTF# is Kit Eason?
February 7th, 2021 | 1 hr 8 mins
In this interview, we talk to Kit Eason, author of Stylish F#, F# from the Ground Up, etc. We cover his background, experience in education, side projects, and plans for future ventures! We also pose a listener challenge, due Feb 21, 2021.
WTF# is Event Sourcing
August 11th, 2019 | 1 hr 29 mins
In this episode, we'll cover what Event Sourcing is, what its benefits are, and how F# developers can take advantage of this pattern in their applications.
Event Sourcing is an architectural pattern of treating domain events as not only first-class citizens in your code, but treating these events as the source of truth in your application, rather than relying on a traditional database as the source of truth. This pattern allows you to easily project to multiple read models and answer tough business questions years into the project when they're asked.
WTF# is Live Coding?
November 29th, 2018 | 56 mins 17 secs
What is Live Coding?
In this episode, we interview Gareth Hubball for a peek into the world of Live Coding, and his experience creating F# content on his Twitch channel. -
WTF# is Elmish?
November 27th, 2018 | 46 mins 18 secs
Recorded at OpenF#, Alfonso and Kunjan speak with me about Elmish, a library for building web applications on top of Fable, and its surrounding technologies.
WTF# is the SAFE Stack?
July 23rd, 2018 | 50 mins 16 secs
Don't have enough F# in your web stack? Maybe SAFE is the answer!
SAFE is an application development stack that brings several technologies together into a single, coherent stack for type-safe, flexible, web-enabled applications that can be written almost entirely in F#. -
WTF# is the F# Mentorship Program?
March 21st, 2018 | 43 mins 36 secs
f#, foundation, functional, mentorship
In this episode, we talk to Gien Verschatse about the F# Mentorship Program and how she operates within the F# Foundation.
WTF# is Concurrency?
February 10th, 2018 | 1 hr 2 mins
async, concurrency, f#, fp, functional, programming, reactive, riccardo, terrell
In this episode, we discuss Riccardo Terrell's new book: Concurrency in .NET, published by Manning, and explore all relevant topics.
WTF# is Fable?
December 4th, 2017 | 40 mins 43 secs
compiler, development, f#, functional, js, programming, software, web